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How To Locate Your Sewer Line

Most homeowners seldom think about their sewer lines—until something goes wrong. Whether it’s a stubborn clog or a frustrating leak, understanding where your sewer line is located can be crucial. It helps quickly diagnose issues and prevent extensive, expensive damage to your home and landscaping.

In this guide, we’ll equip you with essential knowledge and practical tips:

  • The importance of knowing where your sewer line is
  • Tips for locating your sewer line
  • How to find your home’s sewer clean out
  • The benefits of hiring a professional

Ready to become more proactive about your home maintenance? Let’s dive in!

Schedule a sewer line inspection with Bonney today!

Are you unsure where your sewer line runs from house to street? Call the experienced pros at Bonney. Our team provides sewer line inspection services and can help with repairs seven days a week. Bonney has an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau in Sacramento and will earn your 100% satisfaction every time—call (916) 299-0935 to schedule your inspection today.

The Importance of Knowing Where Your Sewer Line Is

Many people live in their homes for years not knowing where their sewer pipes are, but this can leave you vulnerable to damage and other issues if something happens. Some of the most important reasons to know your sewer line location include:

  • Performing preventative maintenance
  • Being able to access it quickly if there’s a clog or break in the line
  • Preventing damage to your yard from excavating attempt to locate the line
  • Knowing where not to plant trees or shrubs
  • Being in compliance with local codes and regulations
  • Providing accurate information if you plan on selling your home

Issues with your sewer line can be costly and time-consuming to fix, but locating your sewer line is the first step to being proactive in sewer inspection and maintenance.

Tips for Locating Your Sewer Line

Locating your home’s sewer line might initially seem daunting, but it’s often simpler than you think. Here are some effective strategies to help you pinpoint its location:

  • Start with the cleanout: The easiest reference point is the sewer cleanout, which allows direct access to the sewer line. Once you find the cleanout, you can typically trace the line leading to the street. If you’re unsure about identifying the cleanout, we’ll cover that in detail further below.
  • Consult with neighbors: Since sewer line placements often follow similar patterns within a neighborhood, your neighbors’ setups can provide valuable clues about your own. Don’t hesitate to ask around.
  • Review property records: Your local city or county records or building permits should have documentation on the sewer system installation. These records often include precise diagrams showing the location of the sewer line on your property.
  • Consider a professional inspection: A professional sewer line inspection can clarify the exact path from your house to the street. This method is especially useful if you suspect any issues or have complex landscaping.

By following these tips, you’ll gain a better understanding of where your sewer line lies, which is essential for both routine maintenance and addressing any emergencies that may arise.

How to Find Your Home’s Sewer Cleanout

Your home’s sewer cleanout is a crucial part of your plumbing system. You’ll usually find it outside, about 1 to 3 feet from where your house meets the ground. Look for a pipe sticking up with a cap on top that might have a square knob or notch for turning.

Sometimes, this cleanout pipe isn’t immediately visible because it’s inside a plastic box that’s slightly buried. If you’re having trouble spotting it, check for a small box on the ground that might be hiding it.

When to Call a Professional

Trying to find the sewer cleanout by yourself can be tricky, especially if you’re not sure what you’re looking for. If you’re unsure, call a professional plumber. They can find the cleanout quickly and check your sewer line to ensure everything is running smoothly.

Dealing with Problems

If you notice issues like sewage backing up into your home, it could mean there’s a blockage in your sewer line. Knowing where your cleanout is helps plumbers quickly get to the problem and fix it. If you run into these kinds of issues, it’s important to call a professional immediately to prevent damage to your home and fix the issue safely and efficiently.

Understanding where your sewer cleanout is and knowing when to seek help from a professional can save you a lot of trouble and help keep your plumbing in good shape.

The Benefits of Hiring a Professional

It’s always best to hire a professional when it comes to major house issues, such as locating or performing maintenance or services on your sewer line. They have the knowledge, experience, and tools to get the job done correctly and quickly, and you get the peace of mind of dealing with a professional.

Call Bonney to Schedule a Sewer Line Inspection or Service Today

Whether you need to locate your sewer line to be able to sell your house or because you’re experiencing sewer issues, the team at Bonney is here to help. Our unparalleled skill means you get the service you deserve for a great price, every time.

Call (916) 299-0935 to schedule your sewer line inspection today!